Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mid Run

First off, can I just say how happy I am that I know honestly think of a 5-miler as a mid-length run? Like "I could go longer, but this will suffice"?

That being said, after doing 15 miles in 2 days, I wasn't sure how to do this run. And I think I did it wrong. Probably by running at all. Especially by running in "minimalist" shoes. I did my Tuesday recovery run in regular shoes, with the extra support. Now, I know that studies have shown people instinctively hit the ground harder in shoes with more cushioning, and step lighter in shoes with less, but I didn't want to overdo the minimalist running, so I had the padding. I might have needed it today, as well.

Originally, this was supposed to be a 4 miler, with the Thursday Meetup group. However, due to a forgotten Inter-Americas 2011 planning session, I couldn't make that run. So I hit Whitewater early, and decided to do some laps around the whitewater section, semi-interval-ish. There's about a half mile of gravel around the water, so I just ran on that, up and back, up and back. Recovery walks in between, but I probably did it wrong. I did do .34 miles at a 6:53/mile pace, but slowed after that, and started to notice a pain in my left shin. Stopped after 3, and went on the trails, slowly considerably, just enjoying the silence, jogging occasionally, pushing up hills, etc. 5.77 for the day. 11:29 pace.

But I still have pain in my shin, and I'm worried about shin splints. Or just over-doing it. The 12 miles might have been too much, too early. Sure, I'm doing a 13 miler on Jan. 23, but maybe I should have stopped at 10? I'll take tomorrow off, and see how it is Saturday, since I don't really need another long run this week, I might do a medium, and I'm also thinking about doing some barefoot work at a nearby soccer field. Or that could be Sunday, before the hash, since I won't be FRB even if I try. 6-7 miles Saturday, maybe half a mile Sunday barefoot, then hash and hope it isn't too much. It isn't too too much, I don't think I'll risk injuring myself more, but it could be a good amount to see how my legs are actually feeling.

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